"As both a composer and musician, Michael demonstrates a vast appreciation for the expansive traditions of piano literature"
Comments on Music Composed for the North Coast Repertory Theatre Production of Arthur Miller's Broken Glass.
“Haunting cello interludes by composer Michael David Singer between scenes . . . the music manages a consistent emotional connection” James Hebert, San Diego Union Tribune
“The North Coast Repertory Theatre production is excellent, from the mournful live cello interludes to the beautiful, evocative set. . .” Pat Launer, Jazz88 Center Stage
“The somber cello. . . sets the tone for a play that's relentlessly grim” David L. Coddon, San Diego City Beat
“Haunting original music” Carol Davis, San Diego Theater Examiner
“The music uniquely contributes to the bleak tone on stage” David Dixon, San Diego Story Theater Review
Music from Dialogue of Equals was also featured in the Oceanside Theatre Company production of Light Falling Down.